Having finished H's socks and the Tangled Yoke I needed a little something to knit on the train. Take 1 of Carie's train knitting for this week was a mitten, a Latvian inspired mitten of my own colouring to be precise.
I was managing the three colours in one row thing quite successfully and I am pretty pleased with the way it's turning out (no pictures but it's green - for a change!) but when we got to five colours all attached to a scant centimetre of mitten I ran the risk of garroting most of my fellow passengers should the train take a sudden lurch. I believe that their reaction would be less "oh look a lovely, but very thin, woolly scarf has landed on me", and more "get this @&*$% off me now you crazy yarn-trailing girl". Deciding that in their haste to be free from the fibrous embrace of my Shetland 2 ply something bad might happen to the yarn I redesignated the mitten "sofa knitting" and went stash diving for a little something else, and found Mason-Dixon.
Actually I stubbed my toe on Mason-Dixon getting into bed and picked it up for another read through and remembered the Ballband Dishcloth.
So I made one:

The green is Rowan hand knit cotton and the white/yellow/green/blue is Lily Sugar & Cream which we bought on our honeymoon:

I started this one on the way to work on Wednesday and by the time I'd gone down to London in the middle of the day and got back up to Warwickshire at the end of the afternoon I'd finished. It's satisfying, pretty, quick and an easily memorised pattern.
In fact I had so much fun I made another one this evening - it seems only fair that if this is honeymoon yarn there should be one each. Now all I have to do is bring myself to use one on my kitchen!

For some reason the colours say Easter to me - maybe I should save them....?
On a completely unrelated note it is incredibly windy here tonight - almost as windy as at my parents' house on the edge of a cliff, fingers crossed that all the necessary power and train lines stay up!!
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