Sadly all melted by the time we got back from Church but SNOW! at EASTER - surely this is the wrong way round!
I have compounded the error with a grotty cold which I hope will break tomorrow as we are due to be going to a wedding in the evening (yes, I think it's a funny time to have a wedding too).
All this leads to much time curled up knitting and a little quilting and generally following a strong urge to make blankets. I have two new Lizard Ridge squares

Can you tell the second one came from this ball?
And I finally added some buttons to the Baby Crocus and duly proclaim it finished.

One thing might suggest that it really is Easter:

Easter eggs!
Those Lizard Ridges just look so yummy!
Crocus looks glorious! I really like the color combo and may stealit when I make my new baby boy one nearer to the cooler months.