The co-ordination would be all the more impressive if I could take accurate colour pictures but for now you will have to trust me when I tell you that the sky in this picture....

(H's little painting project over the Easter weekend which I am trying to convince him is really intended as a present to me so that I can take it to work and put it on my desk)
.... is as purple as this hat:

Well it's more like this picture of this hat:

I really must learn how to take more accurate colour pictures - anyone got any tips?
The hat is loosely based on Lilith Parker's Greenery Hat (thank you Ravelry). I say loosely because I started off following the pattern less one repeat and on bigger needles to take into consideration the change in yarn. When I realised I was running out of yarn I decreased rapidly to the crown and ended up with an inch or so of yarn to spare (this is becoming a habit isn't it - note to self: buy more yarn!)
I am really pleased that the crown decreases stayed in pattern and spiral in to the top as that was one of the features of the original pattern that attracted me in the first place.
And the yarn. Need I say more. I know for a fact that it exerts a siren call to all lovers of purple as R arrived at Tuesday knitting very shortly after I pulled it out of my bag and she is known to be fond of a good purple. This is the Fyberspates Scrumptious Chunky that I bought from K1 in Edinburgh and this lovely hat is destined for my equally lovely SIL with whom we stayed for a couple of days - I say thank you in knitwear, I can't help it - it's taking a lot of effort to send our thank you note to H's uncle and aunt without popping in a couple of pairs of fetchings after they mentioned having cold hands in their home office; although they may yet get some for Christmas.
The yarn is a soft, fluffy singles and although that makes it a little splitty if you don't watch out I think it is totally worth it. Now I just have to pop it in the post to make Lulla smile!
As for me I am back to my occupation of travelling on trains - what's that? you thought I was a lawyer? Nooooooooo - I'm a train traveller with an occasional side line in law. My current pacifier is Christmas yarn from H (with apologies to Zee who also gave me sock yarn - my husband outranks you my sweet) and a pattern from the winter Knitty called Slippery Socks.

Mine are sunset socks - and are not very big at the moment.
And now for the pink - and this is the point at which the photography really falls apart. Today I came home to a lovely surprise:

These were waiting for me, with enough left over to have some in the kitchen too:

There's been no big achievement (apart from the hat and the painting), no anniversary or special date to celebrate, these are flowers because he loves me - and that makes me smile!
I have sent Steve to your flickr stream.
ReplyDeleteI fear he's got a bit... enthusiastic.