2. If a tree falls down across your friend's driveway the thump will cause a mini power skip.
3. You will not realise this until 40 mins afterwards when friend's brother comes to a screeching halt turning into the drive.
4. It is Murphy's law that if a tree falls down that is of sufficient size to justify you being trapped and thus avoiding work on Monday, that driveway will have two exits and your friend will have a chainsaw.
5. Lizard Ridge squares are addictive. To tell the truth this fact was already widely known. I've knitted five squares in quick succession and cast on another square with the leftovers on Thursday. This is what it looked like this morning:

I finished it watching the race and cast on for another with more leftovers straight away.
6. I knit faster when watching important races. I know that rationally this will not help the boat move any faster but the right team did just fine because of or regardless of this.
7. The Sunset Socks are not fast knitting. I cast on on Tuesday morning. This is how it looked this morning and I've turned the heel this evening.

8. They are totally worth it (and a lot faster now that I have turned the heel).
9. Tiny Wee Sock knitting is great fun and very cute.
10. Sticky Toffee Pudding is hereby classified as one of the major food groups.
It's been a good day.
Your lizard ridge squares are simply luminous! I love them! And the socks are good-looking as well.