I love how in the last picture the camera has picked up the sneaky little viola in the corner rather than the main bunch - serendipitous photography!
And the knitting?
Well I have to say it is very nice to be able to share what I'm working on. The lace scarf continues at a meditative pace - it's coming along quite fast and I have 2.5 repeats done as I type (I'm planning to go and finish the third shortly) and I think each end will probably have 6 repeats - each repeat being about 3.5 in long but really I'll just knit until the yarn runs out! No picture today due to lack of decent light for photography.
The sock was cast on yesterday and currently looks like this:
With apologies for slightly iffy photography - see references to poor light above.
Although I have discovered from past experience (the invisible dolphin socks) that purl stitch patterns do not work particularly well in self striping yarn as they get obscured by the stripe - this yarn and this pattern work together in a wonderful example of kismet and turqoise beads just set the whole thing off. This yarn has all the colours of project spectrum and some and it demands a flamboyant pattern because even just plain stst socks would turn heads in this.
I love it and I can't wait to wear them with pride.
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