Today has been a wonderful day for many many reasons so here are some:
1, H is home - he has been on another course all week and it is lovely to have him back again!
2, It has been warm sunny and a perfect spring day - I spent this afternoon sitting in first the garden and then the conservatory with the doors open as the sun moved around the house.
3, H has painted the bench in our garden a wonderful deep blue - we chose the colour a while ago but have only just got round to painting it - it makes the bench a very calming place to sit - I will have to make a bench cushion!
4, The bookbooksecret socks are finished - hurray!
5, Now I can give in to all my inner colour junkie and go mad - the last two pairs of socks have been in colours which photograph very well but don't inspire me personally and I am just going crazy for some colour and there's a whole lot of pink, green and green/white with a touch of yellow just waiting for me! I am having serious cravings for some spring green, some bright pink and some burnt orange - just possibly not together. The next big thing on the needles will be a baby blanket but the yarn for that hasn't arrived yet so I have all Easter weekend to indulge myself!
6, Our children's church activity morning went really well - the children all had a wonderful time, their pringle pot shakers (my craft spot) are as noisy as anyone could ever wish and the children's song and dance for Sunday should be very good.
7, Our Good Friday walk around the village was peaceful, reflective and out in the sunshine - there may have only been nine of us but we had a good time.
8, I don't have to go to work until Tuesday!!!
I'll leave you with a picture de jour from Palm Sunday:

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