It may not have escaped your attention that 1 April has been and gone and little Achilles the tortoise remains steadfastly fixed in the same spot. It appears that snow, ice, rain, cold, general laziness and the manic that always goes with the year end in Feb and March combined to defeat me.
Runagogo round 2 has now started - 100 miles by July 4th and this time I'm going to do it. I started with a gentle 2.5 mile trot which nearly killed me but the only way is onwards and I know it will get better soon.
If you fancy any sort of exercise then join up to runagogo and walk/run/cycle with friendly knitters (who may well be asleep when you are exercising depending on your part of the world but hey-ho!) because the cameraderie is fantastic!
Runagogo round 2 has now started - 100 miles by July 4th and this time I'm going to do it. I started with a gentle 2.5 mile trot which nearly killed me but the only way is onwards and I know it will get better soon.
If you fancy any sort of exercise then join up to runagogo and walk/run/cycle with friendly knitters (who may well be asleep when you are exercising depending on your part of the world but hey-ho!) because the cameraderie is fantastic!

Meanwhile I present my tired little feet!
I'm impressed. I'll cheer you on from the sidelines.