Wednesday, August 01, 2007

No longer headless

To assuage Mary's fears I can confirm that Peggy the sheep is no longer headless and in fact was spotted gambolling in the yarny hills complete with head, ears, eyes and a little lamby tail yesterday evening.

Whilst photographic evidence exists I cannot yet share it with you as the computer was having a grump last night and I couldn't get the pictures onto the tintyweb - hey ho.

Suffice to say that Peggy the sheep, the dress, the shoes and Baby E's blanket have all today been entrusted to the dubiously safe hands of the Post Office who I hear are having a little paddy of their own - I have fingers and toes crossed so far as it is possible to cross fingers and toes and still convince your employer that you are worth having around.

When not capitating sheep (is that the right word), I was reunited with the oh so pretty Kauni and I am now another couple of bands nearer the point at which I must accept that I am going to cut holes in this knitting in the (hopefully) not too distant future (finger and toe crossing just tightened - please excuse typos). In the meantime it is beautiful and soothing knitting - perfect!

Happy sunny day to you all

1 comment:

  1. possibly "encapitation"? but as you know I make it all up as I go along.

    Postal paddies permitting, I should get the gubbins for My First Socks tomorrow. I also should get a Steve for the first time in over a month. I am concerned that I regard this as a clash of interests (there's also no way in hell I'm confessing that on my own blog, but I figured you'd understand).


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