It's official - I am a convert to lace knitting - the scarf is beautiful. I have blocked things before and been pleased and slightly surprised when they stay the same shape when you take the pins out but this is staggering. It is light soft and fluffy and I may wear it forever - I'm wearing it right now and I suspect my drizzle scarf has serious competition!
The pattern is Evelyn Clark's Trellis Scarf from Spring 2006 Interweave Knits and I used probably two ish balls of Rowan Kid Silk Haze in Heavenly (the yarn is a guesstimate as I have a few part used balls left over from other projects and I used two of those and a chunk of a new ball)
Look - see how pretty the trellis looks when you get up close - seriously photos can't do justice you'll just have to come to see it in person!

I also have a finished pair of socks, the Secret Water socks:

And why are they Secret Water socks? well I can't get this to shop up well enough on a picture on my own but on the leg of the sock I have a texture motif of dolphins - two swimming round one way and two underneath going the other way - too secret even to be seen - that's very secret!
So now I have no socks on the needles and no main project (given Aimee's sabbatical) - what shall I do next?
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