These are the Master Coriolus socks from Cat Bordhi's book, New Pathways for Sock Knitters (and also available for free if you follow the Ravelry link) and it's probably my favourite sockitechture so far - it starts as a toe up sock and then after you have done the foot you start a spiral, increasing two out of three rows until you have the gusset. I'm sure there's something terribly clever to do with this sort of patterning but I haven't figured it out yet- something for a moment when life is a little less hectic.
The yarn is something H picked off the shelf at Web of Wool when he was supposed to be choosing yarn for his brother - somehow we always come out with yarn for him, yarn for me and then yarn for the birthday boy or girl. This green I have christened Dragon Green but it is really Opal Rainforest III colour 2037 - Mum says Pond Weed, I say Dragon - potayto, potato!
The spoiling of course applies to both of us and I was spoilt rotten by the very wonderful Mandy and Mary - see:

Pretty Noro Kureyon sock yarn from Mandy in a colour that harmonizes beautifully with the ball H gave me and means that I can knit cool stripy socks, and the little aqua box of chocolate buttons that are buttons - I think it's genius - you can get a better look here - see, they're chocolate buttons that are shaped like buttons - how cool is that. It is by this that I know that despite the 28 years I am not grown up (that and I have smudges of green highlighter up my right arm).
Thank you girls for a lovely treat - I am honoured to be your friend :)
Tomorrow I head back to my alma mater (for university) for a farewell party and my Dad (who also went there) is coming too so look out for pretty pictures of us reminiscing!
So here's the challenge - I'll give you three clues and you have to guess where I was at university.
1. It was in England
2. It was founded in 1249
3. I graduated in a camera, but without any photographs
More clues tomorrow!
The continuing
:) I'm so glad you liked the sock yarn.