My weekend has been spent going to the gym (yesterday morning) and then creaking around the house (the rest of the time). It was a killer gym class.
I've also finished the back to the quarterpint cardigan and I really like how it's looking (still not showing you any pictures though) which means I got to spend a little quality time with the Noro:

Hurrah! 8 squares finished now. I think I might be heading towards an extra-large Lizard ridge (7x5 rather than 6x4) which means there is still some way to go but I'm not loosing any of the love for this project so as H said - "it means more Noro and more knitting; you like knitting".
H has exams this coming week so it's been a quiet weekend, apart from the gym class my role has been to supply moral support and encouragement. I am reliably informed that this:

is an appropriate form of encouragement so I'm going to make a lemon meringue pie this evening for pudding as an extra revision incentive!
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