Saturday, July 14, 2007

Down the rabbit-hole

I have fallen. Down a rabbit-hole. A deep swirling vortexy type hole. I shall try not to talk about it too much because I know how frustrating it is to hear people talking when you haven't got access and you have to sit there stamping your needles at the computer and wishing you could go and play too. Suffice to say it is wonderful and ifyou want to come and say hello I am Cariemay.
Anyway .....

In knitting news I can reveal that for the first time in recent history a baby has beaten the knitting. I am very pleased to welcome my new cousin, another baby boy whose name also begins with E (do we spot a theme?). If I knit a baby blanket for the next baby in October will that do be a baby boy E?

Anyway, the blanket. I was hoping for a little more of July than I got and Baby E made his arrival on 3rd. I am currently half way through the second row of letters. More work required but on the plus side it's not like he can grow out of it!

Work on the baby blanket has been interuppted by the temptation that is Kauni:
And Mystery Stole 3:
This is the completed Clue 3.

Have a wonderful weekend - I'm off to spend some quality time with an alphabet!


  1. Wow Carie!!!!! The stoles is gorgeous. And the Kauni to? Gosh!!!! It is all beautiful!!!!

  2. I fell down that rabbit-hole, too (JulieC) and it looks like we're working on a couple of the same projects. Or... I have the yarn for the Kauni cardigan, but haven't started knitting yet. And I'm just 10 rows into clue 2 on the mystery stole. Yours is looking very nice.

  3. Anonymous1:51 pm

    Your Mystery Stole looks beautiful! And I like your Kauni baby blanket!

  4. Kauni is the new Monkey...

  5. I didn't know how to comment on your comment to my blog. I have all the materials to start another MS3 but I can't blame that on my slow going on the first stole since I haven't even wound the yarn into a ball yet!!!! Guess I could blame my family, they actually expect me to spend time with them during this time!!!!

  6. Ah yes, the time waster, er, consumer that is Ravelry...

    Endlessly fascinating isn't it? Also rather overwhelming.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog. Blessings!


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