First and most importantly, it is four years to the day that I married my lovely H. Words cannot really do justice to how I feel about this man - lets just say that he has, and richly deserves, a lot of hand-knitted socks.
Secondly, the postman has been bringing me a wonderful array of pretty parcels in the post. I know I ordered them but it's still exciting to come home from work and see a little something on the dining room table.
First we had some yarn, from Laughing Yaffle (which is just a genius name), accompanied by a set of Knit-Pro interchangeable stripy wood circular needles which failed to make it into the photo because they were already in use! It's sock yarn (one for the boy and one for me) in Blue Parrot and Flamingo Sunset; beautiful colours on a base that feels similar to Opal in the skein.
Then something to read while I knit, I've only dipped in but so far so good.
And last but not least:
Fluffy sparkliness from Faith's new shop, Purldrop Studios. I ordered these the weekend before last and they arrived yesterday which is impressive speed from the US. They also came beautifully wrapped and with husband-bribing sweeties - can't fail.
From left to right the colours are Florida Tidepool, Blue Martini (the closest I'm going to get to a stiff drink this side of the autumn), and Magic Pumpkin.
As I said, smiles all round! Now I just have to go and solemnly present my husband with his anniversary gift of Fizzy Colins (jelly snakes) and the day really will be made!
You lucky lucky thing, any one of those items would be great but all of them wow, no wonder you are smiling. Happy anniversary.