Christmas itself was wonderful, we had a very relaxed day opening stockings, going to church and then playing with presents and lunch interspersed by lots of phone calls from family all around the country. This year our two immediate families were in 4 different places, not to mention calls to Gran - thank goodness for speakerphone - we left lots of loud, carolly messages on people's voicemails!
H's secret Christmas knitting turned out to be two pairs of socks and Father Christmas brought him a hat which looked remarkably like it may have been made by his wife (H's not Mrs Christmas!). Whilst that hat does technically breach the "I only want socks, please don't knit me a jumper and make me wear it" rule (and accordingly was given by Santa not me), I conclude that it is a hit as it went on on Christmas afternoon when it got a bit chilly and has been worn for comfort of the toothache and general warmth ever since.
It looks like this:
I was spoiled rotten by my lovely family - knitters of the UK, if you are struggling to find yarn it is possible that my husband bought it all. Sorry. And also tee hee hee! Ditto if you were trying to acquire anything from Hotel Chocolat in Solihull!
I have beautiful laceweight, sock yarn in all of my favourite colours and enough Mission Falls 1824 wool in Mist Green to make a sweater - I'm just considering which one and in the meantime I just pet all the new yarn and smile!
Post Christmas is rather a ritual hibernation for us - the last couple of days we have spent curled up watching bad movies, eating the snowman and playing all of H's new board games- it's been wonderful - and in all of that there has been a little crafting:
First we have three completed (and different) views of the Little Town of Bethlehem. They were sewn onto perforated card and then cut out; and when it's all stuck together it looks something like this:
On my tree on Boxing Day evening - this year's tree decoration and it's beautiful and twinkly and completely worth the frustration of sewing 24 small snowflakes in very splitty silver thread.
It has however been soothing to return to the knitting - Holly Queen is green and soft and even!
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