After more mammoth knitting sessions (my favourite), not only have I finished the centre square but also the top and tail borders. The weather played along (temporarily) and this morning (possibly afternoon, I'm on holiday and a little fuzzy about time) this is how Baby 3's blanket looked (note autumnal foliage and be reassured that the blanket will be going through the washing machine before being sent to baby):
I have two borders to go and I am determined to finish it over the next couple of days so that my holiday knitting can all be for meeeeeeeeee!
Oh yes, holiday. I am not at work. I was not at work this morning. I will not be at work for any of the days of this week. Nor will I be at work next week. Hee hee hee. For some mystifying reason this makes me prodigiously happy (tee hee!).
On a complete tangent it is noteable that on the first morning on which we really could sleep in guilt free we were woken up by two big storms and the postman arriving at 7.15am with a parcel (it was a knitting parcel and I made H go downstairs and get it - oops!).
Now then where was I, oh yes: Baby Blanket 3. Now that I have only two borders to go I am becoming more enamoured with the project again although I am determined that if I ever make another one of these again it will only be for one of my own babies and that won't be for a while. Watch this space for a newly finished object.
Speaking of things that are finished ....
This afternoon we were in Coventry and after queuing at just about every bank imaginable I got a good 50mins people watching time in Starbucks waiting for H. Cue Ipod, blackberry and gooseberry smoothie, apple cake and a traveller's sock;
And now there are two:
This is my best attempt at photographing the cuff - it is very pretty and worth the effort.
These socks fit beautifully (as most Nancy Bush patterns do), the yarn is soft and cosy (.. can you tell I'm still wearing the socks), and I've got another favourite to add to the sock drawer. Thank you little sister Zee for the birthday yarn xx.
I also got out in the garden today to discover a "late developer":
About time too! It is possible that our not-so-very-giant sunflower feels a little intimidated by the neighbours:
Our sunflower is the one in the bottom left!
The socks look good, but the sunflower made me AWWWW out loud.