We set off on Wednesday and drove up through the Lake District:
Sadly without time to stop so the pictures are from the car, and crossed into:
Land of extraordinary spelling and Picts so strange the Romans built a wall to keep them out. Fortunately Braveheart is not a permanent fixture.
A land where giraffes roam the pavement:
And the pigeons have got rather plump and heavy
- welcome to Edinburgh.
Whilst we spent much of our time with family we did have a chance to potter round a little bit and we really enjoyed the Scottish National Gallery which while much smaller than the National in London has some lovely pictures and is well worth a look.
The other little gem we discovered was an exhibition of tartan weaving largely disguised as a shop and with opportunities to grockle at every turn. However, it was free and you could lean over the balcony and see the machines at work
- it was fascinating and the fibre-aholic in me was rather taken with the shelves stacked with yarn ready for weaving. Interestingly, while the machines go very fast, the tartan grows rather slowly.
I took the Kauni cardigan to protect me from the sharp Scottish cold and it was needed - we watched the thermometer drop as we drove up the motorway - a good 5 degree difference and it got warmer as we came back down again into England.
I can however assure anyone making a Kauni cardigan that it is now an internationally recognised symbol of a knitter after the Rowan consultant in John Lewis in Edinburgh turned round to me in delight to pat my arm (universal knitter's handshake) having recognised the cardigan!
So then, a bit of knitting. Now I know none of you will find it strange that I took 4 projects with me for a 3 day trip.
First off I picked up the Argosy scarf which has a wonderfully mindless pattern and quite short rows - perfect for motorway knitting:
I am now well over half way and I've started the second ball of silk which, as you can see, has a great deal more blue in it than the first half. Whilst it shows up clearly when photographed like this, in real life I think the colours meld better and it won't be noticeable unless you really analyse the scarf. In any event this is French hand-dyed handspun silk so it's blue or nothing and I love this scarf. The yarn has a little bloom and will probably pill something chronic but it is soft and autumnal and fits my current green whim.
Next on and off the needles was wee baby sock number 2 - I am now fully prepared for the arrival of Baby R - no news yet though:
And then the picture-less projects. I have started a little Christmas knitting - it isn't for anyone who reads the blog so there may be a picture in due course but not just yet. I also figured out the maths to make the decreases on the front of Foxglove match the extra length I added to the back in all the right places.
And finally....
I promised pictures of the finished blanket:
For Baby R
Or will he be E?