10 weeks ago today, after 42 weeks and 1 day of growing you, and 48 hours of hard work I had the very great joy of becoming your Mama. You are still so tiny and small and new, and yet it feels as if you have always been part of our family and neither your Dad nor I can imagine life without you. I love you more than I ever imagined was possible - you were worth every minute of the wait!
So in honour of your double figures, at 10 weeks:
- You smile - when I pick you up and you see that it's Mummy come to get you you give me the biggest smile ever imagined on a tiny little face, and my heart melts. You still haven't quite worked out that smiling at me while you're feeding will leave us both covered in milky drool but it's worth it.
- You can hold your head up most of the time.
- You can almost sit up by yourself if Mummy or Daddy balance you upright and stand by to catch.
- You've slept through the night a couple of times (and we thought it was wonderful).
- You've almost outgrown your Moses basket. Actually you'd probably do fine in your cot now but as that's in the nursery we'd miss you so you're staying in your basket a little bit longer.
- You like: Mummy, Daddy, milk, your bath, little zebra and giraffe, the pillars of the toy arch on your bouncy seat, being sung to, kicking your socks off when no one is looking and having your head stroked when you're feeling snoozy.
- You don't like: Mummy taking more than 30 seconds after you've decided you're a bit nibbleish to get to feeding you, being out in the cold, wearing mittens (although you've agreed a compromise for hand knit mittens), or being in your car seat or pram if you are not actually moving.
We love you little baby cakes
love Mummy